
Hyaluronic Acid Filler Injections
Revive and Refresh offers the FULL portfolio of Restylane Products.
The use of Hyaluronic Acid fillers can eliminate/lessen wrinkles, creases, plump, and restore volume loss. They can raise scar depressions and hydrate lips.
As we age, our skin becomes more susceptible to wrinkles and sun damage, as well as natural volume loss. Fillers can help create cheek volume, give a mid face lift, and restore the lower face.
Hyaluronic Acid is found naturally throughout the body, with highest concentrations in joints, eyes and skin. In the skin hyaluronic acid attracts water, which allows the skin to become more hydrated. Hyaluronic Acid is a type of sugar that is naturally occurring in the body. Fillers contain this natural occurring sugar in a gel carrier. Hyaluronic Acid filler is a non permanent soft tissue filler. It has a large water binding capacity. It can bind up to 1000 times its volume in water. This ability to pull in and retain water is what gives the volumizing effect while adding hydration. Due to the molecular structure, the Hyaluronic Acid and gel carrier dissolve over time and is naturally excreted.
Popular places in inject Hyaluronic Acid are:
- Lips
- Cheeks / mid face
- Chin
- Jawline
- Under eye (tear trough)
- Ear lobes
- Hands
When will I see the results?
Results are immediate with all hyaluronic acid fillers. There may be some swelling for up to 2 weeks post injections, especially in the lips
How long do the results last?
Lips can last anywhere from 6-9 months; while cheeks can last 12-18 months. On average, I counsel the patient that HA fillers last around 12 months.
Will I need time to recover?
No, sometimes there will be swelling, especially for lip injections. I always tell patients to plan on 2 weeks of swelling, with it decreasing each day. Bruising, sore, and tender spots are also common after injections